Musings on the Journey

They never ask you what you see, when you stare out the window. They never ask and you never tell, because some things are better left to the imagination of others. When the night is so dark you almost forget the stars, you stare into a flickering flame instead. And your thoughts keep on wandering, always wandering.

They never tell you to stop believing, but it's implied, in so many small and heartbreaking ways. You answer the unspoken sentiment with unspoken reassurances. It does not matter if they believe in you - someday, somehow, you will have proven yourself. Till that day you keep watching, you keep thinking, and you keep working toward your dream.

Some journeys take longer than others, but that does not mean they're not worth the fare.
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#1 - - Elin:

Somliga resor tar onekligen längre tid men att ge upp är inte ett alternativ.

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