Ny låt - Dreamer

Lovade ju att ni skulle få höra min nya låt denna vecka. Den här gången sjunger jag faktiskt till pianokomp också. Undrens tid är inte förbi.


I wake up to the sound of the
world going 'round without me.
And all I have is this
miscarried tune of what
life was supposed to be.

And I march to the sound of the
time flying by without me.
And I know, yes I know
- you think it's all down to me.

And I know that I'm a dreamer.
It's just the way I've always been.
So I won't ask you to believe in me,
but believe I have a dream.

The things I have learned, things
that I have discerned without you.
They make me believe that you
have been deceived 'bout what
makes up the making of you.

The things I have found, as I've
stirred up the ground around me,
make me think, make me question things.
Do you see where I'm going with this?

Now I know that I'm a dreamer.
It's just the way I've always been.
So I won't ask you to believe in me,
but believe I have a dream.

No, I won't ask you to believe in me,
but believe I have a dream.
MUSIK Egen & Andras | |
#1 - - Mary:

Sv; hihi, jooo klart du ska surfa in på min blogg på kvällen och bli sugen på mat fniss Här kommer då en varning.. Gillar du cupcakes? Gillar du frosting? Surfa inte in imorgon kväll då ;) Just sayin'

Älskar din röst, så vacker! Men det vet du redan ;)

#2 - - Katarina:

Jag älskar detta! Tack snälla, söta du för att du delar med dig av din änglaröst och dina sånger så här. Jag blir så glad varje gång!


#3 - - Ewa:

Tack mångfacetterade mänska för att du skriver, sjunger och delar med dej!
