Poesi - Forgive Me
Oh my friend,
I never intended
to trouble you
with the dreams of me.
And know my friend,
that I never mean it -
the harm I cause thee
in the end of me.
For end must all things
and the journeys grow longer
as the sunsets fade
upon the last seen sky.
And end must all things
as the teardrops falleth
and come back to their beginnings
for the bitterness to mend.
I never intended
to trouble you
with the dreams of me.
And know my friend,
that I never mean it -
the harm I cause thee
in the end of me.
For end must all things
and the journeys grow longer
as the sunsets fade
upon the last seen sky.
And end must all things
as the teardrops falleth
and come back to their beginnings
for the bitterness to mend.